
Counter statistics for:

Sat Oct 12 06:37:15 EDT 2024

    1283 hits counted over 2560 days averaging 0.501172 per day
    0 hit in the last hour
    0 hits in the last 24 hours
    4 hits in the last week averaging 0.571429 per day
    13 hits in the last 2 weeks averaging 0.928571 per day


Opsys/Browser combos:

WindowsNT IExplorer9:                 48          3.74%
WindowsNT IExplorer10:                 1          0.08%
WindowsNT Firefox:                    21          1.64%
WindowsNT GoogleChrome:              189         14.73%
                                               = 20.19%
WindowsXP IExplorer7:                  1          0.08%
WindowsXP IExplorer10:                 1          0.08%
WindowsXP Opera:                       1          0.08%
WindowsXP GoogleChrome:                2          0.16%
WindowsXP Safari:                      1          0.08%
                                               =  0.47%
Windows2003 GoogleChrome:              1          0.08%
WindowsVista Firefox:                  3          0.23%
Windows7 Netscape:                     3          0.23%
Windows7 IExplorer8:                   2          0.16%
Windows7 IExplorer9:                   2          0.16%
Windows7 IExplorer10:                  1          0.08%
Windows7 Opera:                        2          0.16%
Windows7 Firefox:                     13          1.01%
Windows7 GoogleChrome:                32          2.49%
Windows7 AppleWebKit:                  1          0.08%
                                               =  4.36%
Windows8 Netscape:                     2          0.16%
Windows8 IExplorer:                    1          0.08%
Windows8 IExplorer10:                  1          0.08%
Windows8 Firefox:                      2          0.16%
Windows8 GoogleChrome:                 3          0.23%
                                               =  0.70%
Linux Netscape:                       25          1.95%
Linux Firefox:                        21          1.64%
Linux GoogleChrome:                   47          3.66%
Linux Unknown:                         1          0.08%
                                               =  7.33%
Macintosh Opera:                       1          0.08%
Macintosh Firefox:                    11          0.86%
Macintosh GoogleChrome:               15          1.17%
Macintosh Safari:                     30          2.34%
                                               =  4.44%
Spider/Crawler/Bot GoogleImageBot:    51          3.98%
Spider/Crawler/Bot BPImageWalker:      1          0.08%
                                               =  4.05%
Android GoogleChrome:                 32          2.49%
Android Safari:                       23          1.79%
                                               =  4.29%
Mobile Safari:                         2          0.16%
Mobile iPhone(AppleWebKit):           22          1.71%
                                               =  1.87%
Unknown-sys Netscape:                290         22.60%
Unknown-sys Firefox:                   5          0.39%
Unknown-sys GoogleChrome:              7          0.55%
Unknown-sys AppleWebKit:              50          3.90%
Unknown-sys Java 1.x.x_xx:           108          8.42%
Unknown-sys Unknown:                 207         16.13%
                                               = 51.99%

Raw Data

